City of Fernie to adopt new densification zoning Bylaws

In response to the growing demand for housing and the need to accommodate Fernie’s expanding population, the City of Fernie has taken a significant step forward by looking at approving new densification bylaws. These bylaws are designed to promote the development of more compact and efficient housing options within the city’s residential areas. The goal is to create a more sustainable and livable community while preserving the unique character and charm of Fernie.

The new densification bylaws allow for a variety of housing types, including single-family homes, duplexes, triplexes, fourplexes, and townhomes. They also permit a higher density of dwellings on residential lots, encouraging the creation of attainable housing that is accessible to a broader range of residents. By implementing these bylaws, Fernie aims to address the housing shortage, reduce the environmental footprint of new developments, and foster a more vibrant and inclusive community.

The approval of these bylaws reflects Fernie’s commitment to smart growth and sustainable development. As the city continues to evolve, these new regulations will play a crucial role in shaping its future, ensuring that Fernie remains a desirable place to live, work, and play for generations to come.

Quick summary to date!

In response to BC’s Bill 44, Fernie is updating its Zoning Bylaw to allow more small-scale, multi-unit housing.

Aim: Promote attainable housing development while preserving neighborhood character.

Proposed changes include consolidating residential zones into one ‘RSS – Residential – Small-Scale Zone’.

Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing will be permitted in low-density areas, with specific amendments.

Up to four dwelling units allowed on lots over 280 sqm, and three units on lots between 250-280 sqm.

Various housing types can be developed, including single detached dwellings, secondary suites, duplexes, etc.

Building height limited to 10 metres, with a 6-metre setback reducing height to 8 metres.

Maximum parcel coverage increased on a sliding scale from 35% to 50%.

Minimum off-street parking requirements reduced on a sliding scale from 2 to 5 spaces.

Key dates:  provincial deadline of June 30.

Public notice required by the Province, but public comments not accepted due to changes in Public Hearing requirements.

Read more about this HERE!

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